Happy Earth Day!
If you would like, take a few moments now and send some loving and healing thoughts to the earth and all its inhabitants. Our collective intentions will make a difference! In honor of this day, I've included one of my favorite poems, The Sycamore, by Wendell Berry at the end of this email.
FREE Breathwork Healing Groups
I am feeling compelled to teach healing through breathwork to as many people as possible so I am now offering FREE groups. So if you have always wanted to learn this, or have already experienced it but want others to as well, invite some friends, neighbors, co-workers, or a spiritual community group, and let me know! If you host a group, you will receive $15 off a private healing session with me that you can use for yourself or you can pass it along to someone else. I'm kicking this off tonight with a church youth group in Bellevue. http://www.monicamcdowell.com/index_files/Page870.html
Sunday, June 7th, 4-7 p.m.
The next breathing/healing potluck will be at my home on the above date. These are free and I facilitate the time together. RSVP as space is limited. Join us! They are fun and transformative!
I haven't yet got the Healing Q&A up yet. That's because I've been hard at work finishing the first draft of my next book which has finally happened! Yeah! It's now out for collective editing and I've serendipitously connected with an artist who would like to work on the book with me. More later and keep sending/calling me with your healing questions, but in the meantime check out the couple of new posts on the blog... http://monicamcdowell.blogspot.com/
If you would like to subscribe to my blog feed just reply to this email with "blog" in the subject line.
Healing Sessions
If you're wanting some healing in your life, whether it's spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, or vocational, and you'd like to have a session with me, let me know. Hour sessions are $85 in person or over the phone. I'd love to help facilitate your healing and growth to the next level! I also sell healing supplies, candles, books, and breathwork cd's.
Join me on Facebook! I'm having a blast and finding it's a little heaven on earth: everyone I've ever known all connected in one place. Find me under Monica McDowell in Seattle or put in my email monica@monicamcdowell.com
The Sycamore
In the place that is my own place, whose earth
I am shaped in and must bear, there is an old tree growing,
a great sycamore that is a wondrous healer of itself.
Fences have been tied to it, nails driven into it,
hacks and whittles cut in it, the lightning has burned it.
There is no year it has flourished in
that has not harmed it. There is a hollow in it
that is its death, though its living brims whitely
at the lip of the darkness and flows outward.
Over all its scars has come the seamless white
of the bark. It bears the gnarls of its history
healed over. It has risen to a strange perfection
in the warp and bending of its long growth.
It has gathered all accidents into its purpose.
It has become the intention and radiance of its dark fate.
It is a fact, sublime, mystical and unassailable
In all the country there is no other like it.
I recognize in it a principle, an indwelling
the same as itself, and greater, that I would be ruled by.
I see that it stands in its place, and feeds upon it,
and is fed upon, and is native, and maker.
Wendell Berry
Many Blessings to you today and to our physical home, mother earth!
Rev. Monica McDowell, MDiv
To order my book, My Karma Ran Over My Dogma: Lessons Learned by a Whistle-Blowing Minister Turned Mystic, send a check made out to Healing Light to 5022 NE 188th St.; LFP, WA 98155 and for credit and debit card payments, just let me know and I'll send you a Paypal invoice. With tax and shipping by media rate - $21.81, or by priority mail - $23.10.
To take a peek at the book click here http://www.monicamcdowell.com/index_files/Page689.html or copy and paste the link info directly into your internet browser.
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