Friday, March 1, 2013

Core Strengthening for the Soul: Four Exercises for Expanded Well-Being

In physical fitness, the idea of core strengthening is very simple. By keeping your core muscles in the abdominal area strong, it helps to keep your spine and therefore most everything in your body in alignment.

This is a great metaphor for soul work but with a different starting point. At your spiritual core, you are already infinitely strong. There is no need to “improve” or “correct” or “save” or “strengthen” even an iota of who you are at your core. Everyone’s True Self, by nature of each person’s divine spark or essence, is infinitely strong, totally whole and perfectly radiant. However, humans are multi-dimensional, multi-layered beings and beyond your True Self or core spirit you may experience yourself as having a soul (astral body), thoughts (mental body), feelings (emotional body), and a physical body. Although these derivative bodies are all interconnected energetically and therefore mutually affect each other, each of these layers can be strengthened the more you focus on or “exercise” your core. By exercising your core strength you keep your various “bodies” in alignment with your core and this increases harmony and well-being in all of your layers, as well as increases the continuing growth and expansion of your embodied consciousness.

So how do you focus on your core? 

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