Saturday, December 14, 2013

Interrupted by Angels

In this month’s birth story of Jesus the Great Healer and in next month’s Epiphany story of the Magi, we get angels. A lot of them. From all of the incidents in these two stories, it is clear that angels interrupted to either announce a new trajectory or to change a certain trajectory. Either way—interruption.

Let’s look at the incidents:

Joseph, engaged to Mary, finds out she’s pregnant and plans to dismiss her quietly rather than publicly shame her. “But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him, ‘Don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Spirit…’”

The angel Gabriel appears to the elderly, childless Zechariah to announce that his barren elderly wife will bear a son, John. (John later paved the way for his cousin Jesus’ ministry.)

The angel Gabriel also appears to Mary and tells her about her miraculous pregnancy.

An angel appeared to shepherds in their fields and then a multitude of angels announced Jesus’ birth to them.

In the Epiphany story, the Magi set off alarms for King Herod the so-called Great who was threatened that they had come to find a “newborn King.” After the magi visited Jesus and then left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child to destroy him.”

Then when Herod dies, another angel appears to Joseph in Egypt, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go back to Israel.”

Joseph was warned again in a dream (by an angel presumably) to go to Galilee rather than Judea.

Many, many interruptions by angels! The biblical stories of angels are often dismissed as myth. However, I know from the stories I’ve heard privately and the ones I’ve read about, that angels have interrupted many modern people’s lives. One story I love comes from a friend whose neighbor’s house caught on fire. The little children who had been upstairs in their bedrooms on the 2nd floor were found standing on the lawn, completely unharmed. The children said they were rescued from a second story window by “a really tall guy who reached up and pulled them out and put them on the ground.” There, of course, was no one around.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanksgiving Vibes: Of Purrs and Coos

“Good, good, good, good vibrations.” You’re welcome for that earworm of the day. If this rings absolutely no bells for you because you were just born or were raised Amish, you can catch up on this oldie but goodie here.

However, technically speaking, vibrations are neither good nor bad (sorry, Beach Boys); they’re just different. However, some vibrations are optimal for healing, and others, well, let’s just say they drag you down to the pits of Mount Doom where Gollum pines for his Precious. 

So let’s call "good" vibrations, “healing” vibrations for this blogpost, shall we? All healing is truly vibrational medicine. Remember that everything is energy: Einstein’s e=mc2 means that all mass—even your body and whatever you’re sitting on right now—is simply slowed down light or dense energy. To read more, click here...

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Third Eye: What It Is and What to Do about It

Before my My Karma saga, I thought the “third eye” was a mystical metaphor or spiritual legend, perhaps referencing one’s inner eye of imagination. However, during my saga my “third eye” opened, and I had to eat crow (not tasty). The third eye goes far beyond a metaphor or legend. It is a reality that can be hard to explain, especially to someone who has never experienced it. But hey, I’m gonna try, cuz I’m rebel like that, yo.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

She is Rising! (She is rising, indeed!)

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind
is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift.”
~Albert Einstein

For centuries, if not millenia, the sacred masculine has been revered over and above the sacred feminine. This is still true in all of the world’s main religions and especially in western society. It has resulted in an honoring of left-brain (logical, scientific) over right-brain (intuitive, emotional), of relentlessness over rest, of technology over harmony. The results of this are that we live our lives largely disconnected from Nature (including our bodies).

In Chinese medicine the sacred masculine energy is referred to as yang and the sacred feminine energy as yin. Both of these energies are inherently good and when these energies are balanced in our bodies they do good by helping the body heal and maintain health. However, because of the stressors a yang-based society creates, the yang energies in our bodies are often over-revved and the yin energies are often under-revved creating an imbalance which can lead to illness and disease.  

Thus, in my work as an energy healer, in continually noticing that most of our (and by our, I mean American or western) yin-yang energies are rather lopsided, a good portion of the work I do for many clients is to strengthen the yin, and sedate the yang, in order to create more balance, and thus, health in the body. I raise the sacred feminine from [to read more, click here...]

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spontaneous Healing

or Healing is a Multi-Layered Thing (sing to the tune “Love is a Many Splendored Thing”)

How do I heal thyself? Let me count the ways. Okay, I’m on a [mis]quoting roll. Must be the spontaneous healing I had during a dream last night. My lower back was killing me. I injured my lower back over 25 years ago, but since I saw a miracle-working chiropractor in my New Joisey days, I’ve rarely had even a twinge of pain there. Then in the past few weeks: it might have been the new shoes, the new car (with different seat), or my prayers to completely heal an injury in my soza muscle, whatever it was, my lower back was getting my attention again. Last night after going to sleep, my back actually woke me up it was in so much pain with deep throbbing, to boot. Uh-oh, I do not want a ruptured disc like my husband had, I thought. So, I got up and took an ibuprofen and put some ice on the area. That numbed it enough for me to go back to sleep after I had said some more prayers for insight into how to heal the area and did a little energy work on myself in the area.

After falling back asleep I had a series of dreams and then in the middle of one of the dreams, I woke up within the dream and felt a zzzz-zzzz-zzzzz over my lower spine. It felt like the mark of Zorro was being made right over my area of concern...To continue reading, click here.