Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Butterfly Effect: Why Small Soul Moves Matter

Many times after a big macro shift when your world rattles and shakes in earthquaking fashion, come a lot of micro shifting tremors. They can be unsettling, coming on the heels of a mega transformation because you’re thinking, “What? Again? So Soon? Take it easy on me, universe!”

However, if you can stay with the micro-shifting tremors they are a whole lot easier to navigate than a macro cataclysm and they can be just as significant. Here’s what I mean.

In my last blog I described another macro shift I was going through. It seems to have mostly subsided except that small tremors are popping up here and there. Now, I could avoid these tremors by thinking, Oh I am so not going to look at that issue in me! I just did so much shifting, I don’t want to shift again! It might open up a whole new cataclysm!

However, I have learned from experience that not looking at them is what is more likely to open up a whole new Grand Canyon cataclysm. So, as unfun as it can be to look at yet another area where I am not in alignment with divine essence, I know I will. A spoonful of medicine is better and less costly than an ER visit any day.

For example, a few days ago a tremor pops up and it’s just a teensy bit of codependency in a certain relationship of mine. It’s not a big deal—pee-wee league crazy-making at the most. But I finally see it with clearer eyes, now that I’ve been through my macro mega quake, and it becomes apparent how to end the tremor. The next day, pure as gold, crazy-making tremor has ended. Voila! This stuff works like magic!

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