Monday, April 1, 2013

Of Rebirths and Resurrections

(Or of Body and of Out-of-the-Body Experiences)

I am writing this in between the Spring Equinox and Easter Sunday—the former celebrating rebirth, the latter—resurrection. It is an appropriate time for me to consider both as since the New Year, I have had four new experiences—two not-so-fun, two quite fun. The two not-so-fun ones were a severe and bizarre reaction to an infection and then a severe and bizarre reaction to the medications needed to treat the infection. I’ll spare you the details but essentially all of it sent my body through an inferno that I’m still trying to rebalance from. In trying to reframe these experiences in the best of all possible ways, I’ve told my body that it went through phoenix fire and will thus be experiencing a rebirth.

One of the quite fun surprises I found through this is that chanting “OM” (or better, A—U—M, where A is voiced in the heart, U is voiced in the abdomen, and M is voiced in the head, plus visualizing the symbol) seems to immediately take my body out of crisis. Although I’ve chanted OM a bit over the years, I’ve never applied this particular sound vibration to attempting to heal my body. I’m excited to see if this new healing phenomenon plays a part in my body’s rebirth.

To read more, click here... 

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